Gift Republic Adopt a Sea Turtle #GR100023
Gift Republic Adopt a Sea Turtle #GR100023
Choose to adopt one of four endangered species of sea turtles for 12 months. Adopting a turtle will assist The People's Trust for Endangered Species, a registered charity which helps sea turtles by protecting their ocean habitat. Decide which species to adopt and then register the gift by following the simple instructions. A personalized supporter certificate and color photograph will follow in the post and, as an official supporter, you will receive regular conservation updates directly from the charity. Inside the gift box is a Welcome letter, a Your Gift Explained sheet, a gift registration instructions, information about the People's Trust for Endangered Species, a Monkeys and Apes at Risk booklet and an A3 wall map picturing all of the animals. Inside the gift box is a welcome letter, a Your Gift Explained sheet, Gift registration details, Information about the People's Trust for Endangered Species, Sea Turtles at Risk booklet, an A3 wall map picturing the animals and a presentation certificate. After registration you will receive a color photo of your chosen turtle and a personalized supporter certificate, dispatched within 28 days of the registration details being received. You will also receive newsletters directly from the charity, giving the latest news of its projects, achievements and animal conservation plans for the future.